Best Price at Aloe Vera From Botanic Choice

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$6.99 $12.00 VIEW OFFER


Benefits of Aloe Vera:

  • Promotes stomach and liver health Best Price at Aloe Vera
  • Safely and gently cleanses digestive lining
  • Soothes digestive tract
  • Helps sustain healthy immune function
  • Offers a daily infusion of key nutrients

The Classic Skin Soother, Soothes Internally, Too

Originating in Africa, the Best Price at Aloe Vera plant has long been recognized for its ability to calm and soothe. A member of the lily family, aloe thrives in dry parts of the world where there’s limited rainfall. It stores what little moisture it receives in the form of gel.

It has been used for thousands of years as ancient cultures around the world discovered its many therapeutic qualities. Drawings of it have been found in ancient Egyptian temples dating to 3000 BC. Alexander the Great started a war for it and Arab traders traveled throughout Asia, spreading the word about it.

Over the years it’s been used as a beauty treatment, wound healer and even as an incense for the dead. While aloe continues to be used in skin and beauty treatments, in recent years, it’s become enormously popular for digestive health.

It seems aloe vera is chock full of healthy, naturally occurring nutrients. In fact, scientists have discovered over 150 nutritional constituents! While there’s no single “hero” ingredient, it appears the power of aloe vera lies in its unique combination of nutrients that work in harmony and complement one another.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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